Ensuring Electrical Safety in Your Home

Posted on: 12 December 2016

Every year in Australia, up to 15 people are killed and around 300 people are injured as a result of electrical accidents in the home. A significant number of these incidents involve children and are the result of preventable causes. As such, a sound education and vigilance about the electronics in your home is vital, especially if you have children. The following covers a variety of areas concerned with electrical safety at home.

The basic tenets of electrical safety:

While these tenets may seem obvious, you need to constantly remind your children about them in order for them to remember and consistently act safely. First, water and electricity do not mix. You should never leave electronic devices, such as a hairdryer, near water, like a full bathtub. If the hairdryer falls into the bath while connected to a power source, you could be electrocuted. In a similar sense, you should never operate electrical equipment with wet hands. 

Likewise, metal and electricity can also be a lethal mix. You should never stick something metallic, such as a fork, into something with an electrical current, like a toaster. If you need to get trapped toast out, turn the power off and use a wooden utensil. If you need to clean an appliance, make sure it's completely switched off as well.  Finally, if you're outside, watch out for overhanging hazards like power lines. If the lines are malfunctioning, getting too close can prove extremely dangerous.

Safety for your home:

Ensure your home is safe by taking the time to inspect it thoroughly. While doing so, you should be looking for potentially faulty power outlets, exposed wiring or broken plugs. These sorts of problems can expose people to electrocution or spark electrical fires. If you encounter anything like this, the safest way to deal with it is to call a professional electrician. Handling this on your own could cause more damage than you expect and put you and your family at risk. The peace of mind is worth the call-out fee. 

If you have young children, there are a number of things you can do reduce their chances of getting electrocuted. In addition to educating your children about electrical safety, make sure all of your plugs are the plastic child-proof variety and keep any dangerous devices and appliances out of reach. This includes power boards. 

By being smart, you can prevent electrical accidents from occurring in your home. If you feel unsure about anything, consult an electrician for advice. 
